!!Awesome JCness!!


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Jimmy and Cindy

Sheen and Libby

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Welcome To Awesome JC-ness!

This is my website all about the relationship between Jimmy Neutron and Cindy Vortex. I also have some other stuff on here, but it's mostly Jimmy and Cindy. I am a huge fan of them and I am almost in love with Jimmy. I'm not going to get in the middle of their relationship though. I also support Sheen and Libby's relationship, and think they are just as cute, but not as interesting because they both admit their feelings for one another, but still cute! So sit back, relax, and feel the love!

To view Brad1984's Photo Gallery, click on the picture above.

Visit the new website by Kohirihiri, SaveJimmy.com!!!! It is the best Jimmy Neutron website that I have ever seen. We need all the help we can to try and save JIMMY!!!!





Most Recent Episode

Aired on July 22, 2005

My Big Fat Spy Wedding recently aired, and this is, so far, one of my favorite season three episodes. Personally, my favorite part was when Cindy saw Jimmy and she had hearts in her eyes. "I bet he'll look like a...hunk muffin..." So cute! And when she was taping him when she was supposed to be taping Libby playing the piano....ha ha!

Call in the Monkey Squad!

View The episode Guide Here!


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